Crafting a Business
by Donna Fenn
Kalin's appreciation for the simple and the simply eccentric inspired him to createEtsy, an online crafts fair that may well be the largest market for handmade goods in the world.
Today, Etsy's staff has ballooned to 70 employees, and the company reportedly grosses more than $12 million a year. In January 2008, Kalin sold approximately 20 percent of the company for $27 million. Investors now value the firm at $100 million.
Etsy's value to vendors extends beyond what can be measured in dollars. For many, it's a way to stay connected to the crafts community. Chuck Domitrovich, a jewelry maker from Seattle, networks on the site with local artisans who work in the same medium, trading tips on technical issues like enameling. He has also connected with brick-and-mortar retail outlets through Etsy.
What's the origin of the name?I wanted a nonsense word because I wanted to build the brand from scratch. I was watching Fellini's 8½ and writing down what I was hearing. In Italian, you say etsi a lot. It means “oh, yes.” And in Latin, it means “and if.”
1. balloon (v.) = increase rapidly 激增
2. gross (v.) 总共收入…(毛利润)
gross profit 毛利润
net profit 净利润
3. brick-and-mortar (adj.) 有实体的
brick-and-mortar retail outlets 实体零售店
brick-and-mortar stores 实体店面 = physical stores
下期 听美剧,写台词 ↓
——see you next time ——