<?php/** * 针对Mht格式的文件进行解析* 使用例子:* * function mhtmlParseBody($filename) {if (file_exists ( $filename )) {if (is_dir ( $filename )) return false;$filename = strtolower ( $filename );if (strpos ( $filename, '.mht', 1 ) == FALSE) return false;$o_mhtml = new mhtml ();$o_mhtml->set_file ( $filename );$o_mhtml->extract ();return $o_mhtml->get_part_to_file(0);}return null;}function mhtmlParseAll($filename) {if (file_exists ( $filename )) {if (is_dir ( $filename )) return false;$filename = strtolower ( $filename );if (strpos ( $filename, '.mht', 1 ) == FALSE) return false;$o_mhtml = new mhtml ();$o_mhtml->set_file ( $filename );$o_mhtml->extract ();return $o_mhtml->get_all_part_file();}return null;}*/class mhtparse {var $file = '';var $boundary = '';var $filedata = '';var $countparts = 1;var $log = '';function extract() {$this->read_filedata ();$this->file_parts ();return 1;}function set_file($p) {$this->file = $p;}function get_log() {return $this->log;}function file_parts() {$lines = explode ( "\n", substr ( $this->filedata, 0, 8192 ) );foreach ( $lines as $line ) {$line = trim ( $line );if (strpos ( $line, '=' ) !== FALSE) {if (strpos ( $line, 'boundary', 0 ) !== FALSE) {$range = $this->getrange ( $line, '"', '"', 0 );$this->boundary = "--" . $range ['range'];$this->filedata = str_replace ( $line, '', $this->filedata );break;}}}if ($this->boundary != '') {$this->filedata = explode ( $this->boundary, $this->filedata );unset ( $this->filedata [0] );$this->filedata = array_values ( $this->filedata );$this->countparts = count ( $this->filedata );} else {$tmp = $this->filedata;$this->filedata = array ($tmp );}}function get_all_part_file() {return $this->filedata;}function get_part_to_file($i) {$line_data_start = 0;$encoding = '';$part_lines = explode ( "\n", ltrim ( $this->filedata [$i] ) );foreach ( $part_lines as $line_id => $line ) {$line = trim ( $line );if ($line == '') {if (trim ( $part_lines [0] ) == '--')return 1;$line_data_start = $line_id;break;}if (strpos ( $line, ':' ) !== FALSE) {$pos = strpos ( $line, ':' );$k = strtolower ( trim ( substr ( $line, 0, $pos ) ) );$v = trim ( substr ( $line, $pos + 1, strlen ( $line ) ) );if ($k == 'content-transfer-encoding') {$encoding = $v;}if ($k == 'content-location') {$location = $v;}if ($k == 'content-type') {$contenttype = $v;}}}foreach ( $part_lines as $line_id => $line ) {if ($line_id <= $line_data_start)$part_lines [$line_id] = '';}$part_lines = implode ( '', $part_lines );if ($encoding == 'base64')$part_lines = base64_decode ( $part_lines );elseif ($encoding == 'quoted-printable')$part_lines = imap_qprint ( $part_lines );return $part_lines;}function read_filedata() {$handle = fopen ( $this->file, 'r' );$this->filedata = fread ( $handle, filesize ( $this->file ) );fclose ( $handle );}function getrange(&$subject, $Beginmark_str = '{', $Endmark_str = '}', $Start_pos = 0) {/* * $str="sssss { x { xx } {xx{xx } x} x} sssss"; $range=string::getRange($str,'{','}',0); echo $range['range']; //tulem: " x { xx } {xx{xx } x} x" echo $range['behin']; //tulem: 6 echo $range['end']; //tulem: 30 (' ') -- l5pumärgist järgnev out: array('range'=>$Range,'begin'=>$Begin_firstOccurence_pos,'end'=>$End_sequel_pos) | false v1.1 2004-2006,Uku-Kaarel J5esaar,ukjoesaar@hot.ee,http://www.php.cn/,+3725110693 */if (empty ( $Beginmark_str ))$Beginmark_str = '{';$Beginmark_str_len = strlen ( $Beginmark_str );if (empty ( $Endmark_str ))$Endmark_str = '}';$Endmark_str_len = strlen ( $Endmark_str );/* $Start_pos_cache = 0; */do {/* !algus */if (! is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ))$Start_pos_cache = $Start_pos;/* ?algus-test */$Start_pos_cache = @strpos ( $subject, $Beginmark_str, $Start_pos_cache );/* this is possible start for range */if (is_int ( $Start_pos_cache )) {/* skip */$Start_pos_cache = ($Start_pos_cache + $Beginmark_str_len);/* test possible range start pos */if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos )) {if ($Start_pos_cache < $range_end_pos)$rangeClean = 0;elseif ($Start_pos_cache > $range_end_pos)$rangeClean = 1;}/* here it is */if (! is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ))$Begin_firstOccurence_pos = $Start_pos_cache;} /* VIGA NR 0 ALGUST EI OLE */if (! is_int ( $Start_pos_cache )) {/* !algus *//* VIGA NR 1 ALGUSMARKI EI LEITUD : VIIMANE VOIMALIK ALGUS */if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and ($Start_pos_cache < $range_end_pos))$rangeClean = 1;elsereturn false;}if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and ($rangeClean != 1)) {if (! is_int ( $End_pos_cache ))$End_sequel_pos = $Begin_firstOccurence_pos;$End_pos_cache = strpos ( $subject, $Endmark_str, $End_sequel_pos );/* ok */if (is_int ( $End_pos_cache ) and ($rangeClean != 1)) {$range_current_lenght = ($End_pos_cache - $Begin_firstOccurence_pos);$End_sequel_pos = ($End_pos_cache + $Endmark_str_len);$range_end_pos = $End_pos_cache;}/* VIGA NR 2 LOPPU EI LEITUD */if (! is_int ( $End_pos_cache ))if ($End_pos_cache == false)return false;}} while ( $rangeClean < 1 );if (is_int ( $Begin_firstOccurence_pos ) and is_int ( $range_current_lenght ))$Range = substr ( $subject, $Begin_firstOccurence_pos, $range_current_lenght );elsereturn false;return array ('range' => $Range,'begin' => $Begin_firstOccurence_pos,'end' => $End_sequel_pos );} // end getrange()} // class?>
标签: mht文件转换pdf