age = 50 i = 0 while i age: print("too big...try again please") elif guess_age <p style="text-align: left;">#猜年龄,每隔三次询问是否继续玩</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">age = 50 for i in range(1,100): guess_age = int(input("Please input your answer:")) if guess_age > age: print("too big...try again please") elif guess_age <p style="text-align: left;">#登录验证,输入错误三次锁定用户</p><pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">f = open('c:/user_passwd.txt','r') j = 3 system_user_name = str(f.readline()) system_passwd = str(f.readline()) f.close() for i in range(1,5): user_name = str(input("Please input your UserID:")) password = str(input("passwd:")) if i == 3: s = open('c:/user_passwd.txt', 'r+') s.write("\nlocked") s.close() print("This user is locked!") break else: if user_name + '\n' == system_user_name and password == system_passwd: print("Welcome" + user_name + '\n' + "Have a good time!") break else: j -= 1 i += 1
print("UserID or password is wrong,Please try once again and you have " + \ str(j) + 'times choice')