<button class="buttonget" disabled='{{disabled}}' data-id="2" bindtap="getVerificationCode"> {{time}} </button>
var interval = null //倒计时函数Page({ data: { date: '请选择日期', fun_id: 2, time: '获取验证码', //倒计时 currentTime: 60 }, getCode: function (options) { var that = this; var currentTime = that.data.currentTime interval = setInterval(function () { currentTime--; that.setData({ time: currentTime + '秒' }) if (currentTime <= 0) { clearInterval(interval) that.setData({ time: '获取', currentTime: 60, disabled: false }) } }, 1000) }, getVerificationCode() { this.getCode(); var that = this that.setData({ disabled: true }) },}).wxss
.buttonget{ margin-right: 250rpx; width:110rpx; height:55rpx; color: #20B6C5; line-height: 50rpx; font-size: 25rpx; border:1rpx solid #20B6C5;}/*隐藏Button按钮本身的边框*/button[class="buttonget"]::after { border: 0;}
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